Flame Sigil

flame sigil Parovich controls the Flame Sigil. Perhaps it is only his monstrous appearance that makes the other Councilors distrust him. He is certainly a survivor; Parovich was a member of the Seven before the Law was established.

He gives his Sigil to those who can help him, without any other discernable pattern. Flame Sigil holders are therefore a mixed-bag of greedy, selfish oddballs.

Perhaps the one exception to this rule is Jonathon, who many take for Parovich's childe. They share similar deformities.

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flame sigil Parovich (Councilor for Flame Sigil)


Outwardly monstrous: He is obscenely fat, and covered with warts and tufts of hair and flaking skin. He is surrounded by the stench of overly sweet perfume, which attempts to conceal the corruption beneath.

He is genial yet guarded, giving little away. He always gives the impression that everything he says, however helpful or innocuous is carefully calculated to give him an advantage in some great game which he is playing.


There is no love lost between him and any of the other Councilors. He is always playing games, but rarely seems to grab power, even when it is his for the taking. Perhaps he seeks merely to preserve the status-quo, or maybe his plans are much longer term than you could imagine.

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flame sigil Xavier


A smooth talking Frenchman. He is smart and appears middle-aged. An accomplished conversationalist, he gives little away. You get the feeling that everything he says contains layer upon layer of hidden meaning.


Enjoys playing games with people. If you agree to play his games, then he can be very useful. He hates Jason, because of the humiliation of his challenge for a Council seat.

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flame sigil Davis


A coiled spring. A murderous glower in his eyes. Do not anger him. He is shallow and, perhaps easily influenced.


Violent and dangerous. Useful for his criminal contacts. He has few friends, and many enemies; mostly dead ones.

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flame sigil Manson


The wide-eyed stare betrays this one as a dangerous fanatic. His sullen air and sparse conversation areÉ worrying.


Manson is totally under Davis' sway. Perhaps there is a bond of blood here. He seems to have virtually no independent existence.

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flame sigil Jonathon


A lonely and sad young man. He has shut himself off from the World and retreated down into the sewers. But there is a spark of wit and humanity in him that will not die.


He is 'that weirdo who lives down in the sewers'. He can be useful and helpful if he takes a liking to you.

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Some of the material presented here is based on character details published in the book "Milwaukee by Night", published by White-Wolf.

Vampire: The Masquerade is a roleplaying game produced by White Wolf Game Studio.